Farmers need to be supported because they play a critical role in achieving zero hunger, Goal 2 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Beyond the important task of food production, farmers are faced with a myriad of challenges such as climate change, outdated farming practices, high transport cost of farm harvests, post-harvest losses among others. These challenges impact on farmers’ incomes, food and nutrition and their psychosocial wellbeing.
FeedUp Africa aims to ameliorate the plight of these farmers by introducing them to sustainable practices and traditional approaches to livestock production, crop production, reducing post-harvest losses and wastes, enhancing their nutritional health through mixed farming with emphasis on poultry for protein intake. The modules also include marketing, customer service, book-keeping and documentation.
The facilitators were agribusiness experts and consultants, namely Songwa Diyabanza, Armel Dossa, Guy Kudjogbe, Lydie Fagbohun, and Carlos Dossa.
In his remark, Jinmi Ajayi, the Founder of FeedUp Africa stressed his expectations from participants, according to him, “participants were selected across various value chains and they are expected to share their knowledge within their communities.”